Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Two Fisted Tweets - Twitter Fiction James Hutchings

     I had heard of tweet length fiction before, and actually had tried poorly to write some of my own.  This was an interesting exploration of some better examples of the "genre".  Its not all with dark undertones but some of them definitely are so I don't feel like it doesn't belong here.  Each of the 30 stories contains enough information to provide a story setting and some sort of conflict.  It is definitely amazing what can be done in such a short amount of space, I must admit I am a fan of this style of microfiction and that James Hutchings did a solid job of writing it.  4/5 because some of them are weaker than others, but in terms of the limited space a few of the individual entries would be worthy of top marks.  Recommended to anyone with at least 2 minutes to kill and an open mind.

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