Monday, June 10, 2013

Mortician - Chainsaw Dismemberment - Theatrical Brutal Death/Grindcore

     Not going to do a song by song critique of this album because they have songs that are fairly formulaic.  Generally each of them begins with a clip of a fairly well known horror movie, though not all of them do.  That kind of sets the tone for the album as it's working to be like a horror movie.  After that it goes into fast playing with detuned buzzsaw guitars and ferocious rhythm sections.  The drumming can certainly hold its own as well.  The bass keeps up as well but is slightly overshadowed in the mix by the other instruments.  While most of it is at a relentless rate of speed there are also some very deliberate slower parts, such as the opening instrumentation on mauled beyond recognition.  The vocals are very low growls that are barely audible over the rest of the music.
     If you're looking for a very technically sound band, or one where there are a lot of variations throughout the music, this is not likely the one for you.  This recording is fairly old so the problems with the mixing might've been repaired by now so at least there's that.  What it does manage however to do is give you a really fun brutal death metal band.  With the horror intros and gore lyrics its very theatrical, and the guitars being downtuned past the point of no return in combination with vocals nearly outside the realm of human hearing only advances that point.  They are a fun band that has a cheesy focus and go all out towards creating their vision.  I personally am sometimes in a mood for something like that and will likely listen to this periodically.  I am also interested in looking into their newer recordings to see if some of the issues I had seen were dealt with.  However even looking at this project I will give it 3/5 because though it doesn't do much, its pretty good at what it tries to do.

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