Friday, June 14, 2013

The Demon Version - Caleb Casey Short Story

     So I have decided as a part of this blog that I will also do some reviews for stories that were free on Amazon to give them recommendations such that people can check out the authors work and eventually work up to buying their other works.  This obviously is the first of said looks at a work and its at this short story by Caleb Casey, who via some exploration on amazon is revealed to have quite a number of stories on Amazon, so getting an idea of what his writing is like was pretty high on the list.
     As the story is such a quick read there isn't a whole lot of plot points, basically its an exploration of the effects of demonic possession set against the every day grind on a college campus.  I enjoyed the story because despite the coverage of heavy subjects such as possession it never lost the inherent humor that was still there.  The three main characters were identifiable and their friendship dynamic was the type that someone could legitimately see as being realistic.  The rest of the characters are relegated to bit parts basically as there isn't a whole lot of time to build them up but they are still given enough persona to keep the book moving alone. 
     I definitely enjoyed the author's writing style as well.  It wasn't bogged down by being overly wordy or anything, and flowed very well.  For such a short story you wouldn't expect it to take a long time to read regardless but I was done a lot faster than I expected because I still wanted to see the kinds of situations that would happen next.  In terms of the paranormal aspect I enjoyed the means of the possession and the way that it eventually was removed, it was a short part of the story that didn't really leave anything up for discussion.  Its nice when plot devices can be so simple that they are easily understood without spelling everything out.
     I would certainly recommend this story to anyone who is interested in getting their feet wet with a new author without spending a whole lot of money on it.  I am personally going to keep an eye out for any more of his stories that go on sale because I enjoyed this one quite a bit.  4.5/5

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