Thursday, February 27, 2014

Hell Driver - Ultraviolence

     Throughout my movie watching experience I have always had a soft spot for the weird and unusual, the bizarre, and the darkly comical.  This has led me to several viewings of japanese ultraviolent horror comedies such as the machine girl, tokyo gore police, the meatball machine, and naked blood.  After viewing those hits I knew that I had a genuine interest in the material and have had chance contact with other examples of the films.  It was through this semi-research I found the movie helldriver and decided to watch it.
     This movie is not for the weak at heart or close-minded.  There are no english dubs, just closed captioning to allow someone to follow along with the storyline.  However as nearly everything is action there isn't too much that can be missed without that even.  We come to see that a woman has a mother who is a homicidal maniac and commits atrocious crimes with the aide of her brother.  After that she gets hit by a meteor and starts spawning and controlling zombies with horns.
     That might seem like a spoiler but it all takes place very close to the beginning of the movie, which is even stranger because the first 45 minutes of the movie take place before the opening credits.  Throughout there is sadism, mutilation, torture, cannibalism, exploding humans, and the most ridiculous constructs made out of undead zombies you could ever imagine.  It was a true spectacle and I enjoyed the hell out of watching it.  I would highly recommend this to anyone, but only if you're willing to watch something pretty insane.  4.5/5

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